Monday, April 23, 2012


For a community to raise itself out of subsistence and into an upward spiral of increased prosperity, certain basic services must be available and affordable. These include drinkable water, health care, education, transportation and communication.

Access to reliable electricity is a precondition for the provision of many of these services and an active catalyst for sustainable development.

The provision of electricity has a significant social impact. The improvement of communication and social activities, as well as health and educational services and facilities, clearly boost living standards and, consequently, prevent urban migration, provide a stronger sense of community, reduce mortality and improve gender quality.

Electricity access has also a substantial impact in terms of economic development by increasing productivity and economic growth, as well as local employment. The possibility of preserving specific products, having irrigation facilities and powered processing equipment, will increase the production capacity as well as the quantity and quality of the product placed in the market.

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